BOD - Board of Directors Meetings
Our Board of Directors meets every second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. The metings are at the San Mateo Elks or at a different designated location. Members are welcome to attend.
A bit of Brujos History
The San Mateo Brujos Club was founded in 1977 by a group of "futbol" players looking for a club whose objectives were to play for fun, but still be competitive and make new friends. The objectives of the Club are team fellowship and International Goodwill. The English translation for Brujos is Witch Doctors.
Most of our members have played professional soccer in their own countries. The Brujos Masters have represented San Mateo in several International Tournaments, as well as promoting The City of San Mateo by hosting teams from Mexico, England, Canada, Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile and the Italian Parliament.
The Brujos began in 1978 making trip to Canada and Mexico to participate in International Tournaments. Among the Counties visited sine 1978, in The Americas: Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Cuba, Panama, Peru, Argentina, Brazil and Chile. In Europe: England, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Greece.
At this stage in our history, most of our Club members have been involved in the community for many years teaching hundreds of youngsters and young adults the skills and sporting culture of our game.
We believe it is true to claim that Brujos Masters have acted and continue to act as ambassadors and leaders in the local area in the interest of soccer development.
Board Of Directors 2018
Fernando Franco, PRESIDENT
Blair Brown, TREASURER -
Hector Peccorini, SECRETARY
Gustavo Carrera- LEGAL
Ralph Garcia - MEMBERSHIP -